Lotus Evora 2012

Fast Ride from the Best Broker Campaign is Over

Lotus Evora 2012

The Fast Ride from the Best Broker campaign is officially completed. The Lotus number was formed by the combination of the rates for the 5 major currency pairs on May 25, 2012 at 23:59. So, the Lotus number of the Fast Ride from the Best Broker campaign is 7 6 7 5 2.  The Contest and Campaign Administration of InstaForex Company summarized the campaign preliminary results and found the trading account, which is the closest to the Lotus number and meets all the campaign conditions. The winning account is 276751. It belongs to Yuriy Lukinov from Podolsk, Moscow Region, Russia.

Peraturan Promo
Tipe akun: Akun trading live
Periode promo: 1 Juni 2010 - 25 Mei 2012
Hadiah utama: Lotus Evora
Ketentuan keikutsertaan: Deposit minimal USD 1.000

Akun pemenang adalah 276751. Nomor akun ditentukan dengan bantuan nomor Lotus yang dibentuk dari 5 digit terakhir dari 5 kurs mata uang utama pada 23:59 tanggal 25 Mei 2012.

The winner of the campaign was offered the choice between Lotus Evora sports car and money on his trading account. Yuriy chose the cash prize after having thought seriously about the two alternatives. InstaForex Company sincerely congratulates the lucky man and wishes every success in his career.


Lotus number :

7 6 7 5 2
Jika anda memiliki saran untuk meningkatkan kontes dan promo kami, anda dapat menghubungi kami via contest-ideas@instaforex.com.

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We have created a convenient service for buying, selling, and exchanging currencies, cryptocurrencies, and other assets.

InstaSpot is a trustworthy service for a trader, miner, freelancer, and for everyone who does business on the Internet.

Familiarize yourself with a user-friendly and reliable exchanger for digital currencies and other popular assets. InstaSpot is based on the principle of P2P trading, which allows buyers and sellers to interact directly without intermediaries. At the same time, InstaForex acts as a guarantor of the secured transaction.

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